Basic Materials
- 18 gauge copper sheet 6” x 6” (good for flat pieces and samples)
- 22 gauge copper sheet 6” x 6” (good for domed pieces)
- Saw Blade Bundles 2/0 x 12 blades
- Precision tweezers
- Sifters 40 mesh
- Dust mask
Assorted art supplies:
- 3 Paintbrush suggestions:
Additional class supplies no-included in this kit:
Opaque enamels (about 4-8 colors or more of your choice) - THOMPSON ENAMEL
- Saw Frame
- Basic files and needle files
- Fine line sharpie marker - black
- Set of pliers : Half round, Chain nose, Round, Cutting
- Old toothbrush
- Absorbent paper towel (no brown paper, no toilet paper, no tissue)
- Sketchbook (pencil, paper, design ideas)
- Old magazines